SF86 Application
Office of Personnel Recommendations?
On May 8, 2009 John Berry, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) jokingly told a senate subcommittee that his agency was sometimes referred to as the “Office of Personnel Recommendations.” Berry made this comment at a hearing on the Federal Hiring Process Improvement Act of 2009 (S.736).
Making the Military Grade in the Diploma Mill
A news story from WHNT NEWS in Huntsville, Alabama exposed how people in high positions in the military and missile defense have purchased their degree without spending all the time, energy and money – at a diploma mill, where no classes and no course work are necessary…just cash. The story
Revision of Mental Health Question on Clearance Application Form
On 18 April 2008 the Department of Defense (DoD) announced that Question #21 regarding mental health on Standard Form 86 (Questionnaire for National Security Positions) had been changed. The announcement appears to make the change applicable to everyone (not just DoD personnel) applying for a federal security clearance. The change
Your Security Clearance Story
We’ve had a lot of threads here where people have briefly discussed how they obtained their clearance. Let’s make it official.. Tell us: When you received your clearance How long it took Which agency issued it Whether you received it as a contractor or Federal worker Any other interesting details