self reporting
How to Self-Report a Security Incident or Change
Security clearance holders are expected to self-report changes or incidents that may impact their clearances in accordance with the National Security Adjudicative Guidelines found in Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 4. Self-reporting, while mandatory, is also a question of personal integrity. The old adage “bad news does not get better
Continuous Evaluation vs. Continuous Vetting
We have heard a lot about Continuous Evaluation (CE) and Continuous Vetting (CV) and many get confused with the terminology, mistakenly using them interchangeably. However, CE and CV are not the same thing and have key differences. CE is the vetting process that reviews the background of individuals who hold
Be Proactive in Mitigating Financial Concerns during These Trying Times
Three months ago no one could have imagined the situation the world finds itself in now. Many were looking forward to spring break, others were getting ready to file taxes, and life was normal on the local restaurant and bar scene. Now, most of the country is homebound, millions are
Associating with Illegal Drug Users Results in Clearance Revocation
The Department of Energy (DOE) Personnel Security Program has a reputation as one of the better ones across the Federal government. Background investigators actually prefer working DOE cases because of the level of professionalism, courtesy, and cooperation from the applicants, their co-workers, supervisors, and even neighbors. DOE ingrains security awareness into their