security clearance
Student Eligibility for Security Clearances
Here at ClearanceJobs we regularly get questions from individuals wondering if an indiscretion or two (i.e. – occasional drug use in college, a misdemeanor offense, or delinquent credit card debt) will hinder them in receiving a security clearance. The answer is generally “it depends.” Factors include time elapsed since the
Security Clearances and Social Media
In case any of you security-cleared professionals needed a reminder: beware of bikini-clad avatars of good-looking women.’s Danger Room reports of a social media user touting herself as a rocket scientist/defense expert and connecting with professionals across the security sector. With multiple social media accounts and a suspicious professional
BRAC Impacting Security Clearance Processing
It seems BRAC (the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure) is impacting just about everything these days – and security clearance adjudication hasn’t escaped the hit. At the heart of the matter is personnel – with 10 Department of Defense Central Adjudication Facilities moving to a joint location at Fort Meade,
Can a Foreign-Born Citizen get a Security Clearance?
A federal appeals court found that an Iranian-born worker can sue for discrimination after being fired from his job after being denied a Homeland Security clearance. Hossein Zeinali was hired by Raytheon in 2002, contingent upon his receiving a clearance. He was terminated in 2006 when it was learned his