security clearance
Security Clearance Background Investigations: Blame the People or the Process?
Congress has followed through on their promise to bring increased scrutiny and oversight to the security clearance investigation process. In the wake of Edward Snowden’s leak of classified information about the NSA’s PRISM program (and his subsequent ‘Where’s Waldo’ escapades in the Moscow airport), congressional leaders are asking more questions
Digital Privacy Advocates and Security Clearances
In an era of Wikileaks and open data advocates, is it time to revamp the Standard Form-86 security clearance questionnaire?
Your Thoughts on ODNI's 2012 Security Clearance Report?
This afternoon I posted a brief overview of the already brief annual report on the security clearance process released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The meager report is primarily data, leaving analysis to the reader. The motive for demanding release of this data (I believe) is
Questions to Ask When Hiring a Security Clearance Attorney
Two recent articles at note the rise – and importance – of professional security clearance attorneys. If you have a difficult clearance situation, or face the potential of losing your security clearance, chances are you’ll need some kind of professional assistance. When it comes to getting a job in