security clearance
'Cash Register' Culture Plagues Private Security Clearance Investigation Companies
Yesterday the Wall Street Journal published a scathing review of the security clearance investigation process at US Investigations Services, LLC.
Personnel Security Policy Updates Announced
Pending changes to personnel security policy have been released via the published minutes of the last NISPPAC meeting.
It's Not Just an Investigation, It's Adjudication
The background investigation for defense contractor Edward Snowden was inefficient in several areas, according to a recent review. National Counterintelligence Executive Frank Montoya Jr. led the review of Snowden’s 2011 investigation. He found too few people were interviewed and issues that were presented weren’t pursued, according to documents obtained by the Wall
Are All Security Clearances Equal?
Security clearances as Shakespeare – Is a security clearance by another agency as sweet? Security clearance reciprocity is a question that comes up frequently at Many professionals assume that if they have been cleared by one agency, their security clearance will readily transfer to another agency. This isn’t the