Posts Tagged

security clearance


The Cold War days of spies using microfilms, dead drops, and disappearing ink are long gone. Now they use cell phones, laptop computers, and remotely injected malware to steal information. As evidenced by stories about hackers and IT security breaches in the news every day, IT technology is a major

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Security Clearance Denial

Those in the military forfeit many personal freedoms that the rest of the civilian population take for granted. Following rules, regulations, and the orders of those appointed over you are an essential part of military discipline and order. All enlistees take  an oath of enlistment which states  “I, (name of

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Obtaining Security Clearance

After going through the laborious background investigation process and finally getting notified that you are eligible for a security clearance, you now have to sign the classified information nondisclosure agreement (SF-312) before getting access. This agreement between you and the government basically states what your responsibilities are in protecting, handling,

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Security Clearance Denial

In today’s society it is virtually impossible to avoid contact with online communications or some form of social media. Many who keep opinions and thoughts about people, events, and work to themselves in person feel liberated when it comes to communicating electronically. The ability to electronically post information without the

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