Posts Tagged

security clearance

Security Clearance Process

I ran across this Office of Inspector General case regarding a Department of Interior employee who was able to lie and cajole his way into getting appointed to multiple positions with the DoD and other Federal agencies over the course of 21 years. His positions included stints with: U.S. Army;

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Security Clearance Denial

In a recent Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals case a longtime government contractor had his clearance reinstatement request denied because he was living with his Mexican-born girlfriend who was in the U.S. illegally. I know you are asking yourself right now “what’s the big deal here?” There is a

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Career Advice

I like a good espionage book just as much as next guy and I recently finished reading “Tom Clancy: True Faith and Allegiance” written by Mark Greaney, who continued the series after Clancy passed away in 2013. Much to my surprise, the main premise of the book centered on the

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Security Clearance Process

We all know about having to self-report information as a security clearance holder, but what about reporting on another clearance holder? This scenario is played out almost every day:  another individual with whom you work has a security clearance and you become aware of some conduct that could be an

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