security clearance
Top Issues for Security Clearances in 2019
The year has passed and with all of the changes in the background investigation and security clearance realm it seems apt to label 2019 as the year of clearance and investigation reform.
Companies Use Loophole in Keeping Clearance Active
In accordance with Executive Orders and policy guidance from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the granting of a security clearance should only be done when there is a legitimate need for access to classified information. Defense Industry companies are highly encouraged to keep the numbers of cleared
Moving from One Cleared Job to Another? You Still Have to Protect Classified Information
The DoD industrial security world is a huge revolving door with clearance holders changing companies and jobs at rapid pace and swapping one cleared employer for another. Take note, however, even though the new employer has a facility clearance and is working on classified contracts, individuals still have responsibilities to protect classified
Previously Adjudicated Adverse Information is Still Fair Game
Incidents or behavior don’t just go away once they’re adjudicated favorably. Just because something didn’t affect your security clearance in the past, doesn’t mean it can’t affect it in the future.