security clearance
Convicted Felon Granted Clearance Eligibility by DOHA
It is quite extraordinary to think someone who was charged with murdercan get a security clearance, but occasionally I run across an appealscase involving just that. In this particular case, the applicant, whois now 33 years old, was charged with murder and concealing the deathof another when she was 20
DoD Contractor’s Marijuana Grow House Leads to Discovery of Classified Documents
All clearance holders receive an initial security briefing thatincludes going over the proper handling and storage of classifieddocuments. This is a hot topic lately with the discovery of classifieddocuments at high level current and former political figures. I ranacross a case study from 2021 about a former U.S. Air Forcecontractor,
DOE Contractor Overcomes Multiple Issues to Get Clearance Reinstated
One of the first security clearance appeal cases in 2023 for the Department of Energy (DOE) involved issues and concerns under sexual behavior, personal conduct, drug involvement, psychological conditions, and criminal conduct. The DOE contractor was issued a Letter of Interrogatory and his subsequent response did not mitigate the concerns.
SEAD 3 and Cleared Employees Reporting Financial Issues
Now that you were granted clearance eligibility it does not mean you are done being evaluated as a trusted clearance holder. In accordance with Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 3, you are required to report certain things, including financial issues that arise which may cause you to become delinquent on your debts.