Posts Tagged

security clearance reform

Career Advice

As a security professional I do a lot of reading and research to keep up with the constant changes in my chosen career field.  During the course of my reading I have come to the conclusion that many people who apply for federal contractor or civil servant positions seem confused

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Security Clearance Process

In a continuing series of reports on the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) lack of oversight concerning investigative service contractors, the latest reports paint a bleak picture for OPM’s ability to oversee the quality of work provided by the contractor investigation companies that complete the majority of background investigations for OPM. 

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Security Clearance Jobs

The Washington D.C. metropolitan area is home to over one million security clearance holders who work for intelligence agencies, military branches, other federal agencies, or are federal contractors.  Many of these clearance holders have access to information and systems beyond the capability of the average citizen.  According to a Washington

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Obtaining Security Clearance

We were all young once, and to varying degrees, quite foolish. Time has since passed since we sat around the campfire smoking marijuana, responsibilities have been added, and now we are adults with jobs.  Unfortunately, the passage of time does not completely erase the errors of the past, but it can,

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