security clearance questions
Tips for Filling out Employment Activities on the SF-86
There are lots of questions on this site from security clearance applicants regarding what or how to list employment activities in Section 13A on the SF-86. The more accurate and thorough you are, the easier it is for investigators and records custodians to verify the information and check the block.
Why You Probably Shouldn’t Have a Clearance
In a recent Department of Energy clearance denial appeal the judge turned the tables on the applicant’s argument that he misunderstood the questions on the SF-86 application as to why he didn’t disclose delinquent taxes, debts, and arrests. The issues in this case involved the applicant failing to file his taxes, getting
Listing the Initial Criminal Charge on Your SF86 is Important
Time and time again I run across background investigation applications where the applicant listed criminal charges that are contradicted by the FBI criminal history check or police report. This is a serious mistake! It seems, either consciously or unconsciously, applicants try to downplay the seriousness of the reason(s) for the
Why You Should Tell the Truth About Why You Left a Job
Over and over again I run across background investigation applications (SF-85P and SF86) where the applicant fudges on listing the real reason that they left a job. The SF-86 asks “in the last 7 years have you been fired, quit after you were told you would be fired, left by