Posts Tagged

clearance process

Background InvestigationsObtaining Security Clearance

Ask your questions here regaring security clearances and our regular contributors will try to answer them. Here are the rules: Please do not address a contributor by name to ensure anyone who has knowledge might answer. Do not include your own name, email address, or other information that can identify you.

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Background InvestigationsObtaining Security Clearance

An article in the Washington Business Journal on Friday, April 25, 2008 reported information from a survey of more than 100 government contractors, made by the National Defense Industrial Association and the Information Technology Association of America regarding security clearance processing. “Businesses say the federal government has made some ‘modest

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Background Investigations

Some major defense contractors feel that no significant improvement has been made this year in security clearance processing times. “Despite the expected need next year for more IT workers with high-level security clearances, human resources executives agree the government logjam of clearing new hires hasn’t improved much this year; nor

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Obtaining Security Clearance

We’ve had a lot of threads here where people have briefly discussed how they obtained their clearance. Let’s make it official.. Tell us: When you received your clearance How long it took Which agency issued it Whether you received it as a contractor or Federal worker Any other interesting details

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