clearance process
Criminal Conduct and Security Clearances II
This is the second of a two-part article on the relevance and effect of criminal conduct on security clearances. Part 1 covered the Relevance of Criminal Conduct to Security Clearances. Posted on, the article focuses on the effects of criminal conduct on security clearances. EVALUATING CRIMINAL CONDUCT Although, Criminal
Criminal Conduct and Security Clearances
An article posted on on 26 Jan 09 focuses on the relevance and effect of criminal conduct on security clearances. The Adjudicative Guidelines states that Criminal activity creates doubt about a person’s judgment, reliability and trustworthiness. By its very nature, it calls into question a person’s ability or willingness
Ask Your Clearance Questions – Part 18
Our popular ongoing series allows you to ask your most complex questions regarding security clearances and our regular contributors of present and former clearance investigators and adjudicators will try to answer them. The rules are listed below. Failure to abide by them will mean your question will be deleted. NOTE:
OPM Ready to Handle Influx of Clearance Investigations
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is ready to handle clearance investigations for the Obama administration’s approximately 6,000 to 7,000 new politically appointed officials. Kathy Dillaman, Associate Director of OPM’s Federal Investigative Services Division was reported as saying, “Piece of cake. . . .The influx of Obama staffers will be