clearance process
Problems Protecting Classified Information at Port Hueneme
An article in the Ventura County Star reports that Port Hueneme Navy officials didn’t trust a security manager to keep classified information safe. The security manager for the Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center at Port Hueneme in 2008 was gone after 10 months on the job and put on administrative
Nidal Hasan’s Security Clearance
Once again the news media got it wrong. Referring to the Report of the DoD Independent Review Related to Fort Hood (Protecting the Force: Lessons from Fort Hood), an Associated Press article, claimed: “Their investigation also found his top-level security clearance hadn’t been properly investigated.” A article stated: “The
Former FBI Contract Linguist Pleads Guilty to Leaking Classified Information to Blogger
The FBI released a statement and politico reported that a former FBI contract linguist pleaded guilty to unlawfully providing classified documents to the host of an Internet blog who then published information derived from those documents on the blog. Shamai Kedem Leibowitz, a.k.a., Samuel Shamai Leibowitz, 39, of Silver Spring,
Single Agency for Australian Security Clearances
On December 7, 2009 Psnews reported that the Government of Australian will consolidate the granting of all security clearances under their Department of Defence by October 2010. Currently clearances are granted by more than 100 different agencies using 50 separate investigative service providers. “The new approach is expected to save