clearance process
New Security Clearance Question and Answer Service
Over the past two years, has become the only place on the internet where people can ask tough questions about security clearances and get expert answers. Our staff and regular contributors have taken the time to answer even the most complex questions and give people peace of mind and
Defense Finance Agency Suspends Credit-Related Firings
At first, it looked like 62 workers at Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)’s military payroll accounting facility in Cleveland, Ohio would lose their jobs due to credit problems. In the past, other DFAS workers in Columbus and Indianapolis had lost jobs because of credit issues. The Cleveland facility processes
More Security Clearance Legislation
In February 2010 the U.S. House of Representatives passed their version (HR 2701) of the Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal year 2010. The Senate passed their version (S.1494) in September 2009. Hopefully the two versions will be reconciled, passed by Congress, and sent to the President. The House version creates
Problems Protecting Classified Information at Port Hueneme
An article in the Ventura County Star reports that Port Hueneme Navy officials didn’t trust a security manager to keep classified information safe. The security manager for the Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center at Port Hueneme in 2008 was gone after 10 months on the job and put on administrative