clearance process
Hot Hints for Completing Your SF-86
Today, clearance veteran William Loveridge offered his insights for tackling the legendary “Standard Form 86” (SF-86)/”electronic Questionnaire for Investigation Processing” (eQIP). Among his recommendations? – Certain things you know are required, so start gathering the info in advance, such as: Employment history Address history Current copy of your credit report
Drug and Alcohol Use and Your Security Clearance
If you’re applying for a security clearance and wonder how questions surrounding drug and alcohol use will affect your final decision, the answer is: It depends. Not all forms of drug and alcohol use are the equal for purposes of a security clearance. Generally, these behavioral instances aren’t necessarily a
Maryland Security Clearance Tax Credit
In January 2012 a bill was introduced in the Maryland State Senate that proposed a State income tax credit for costs incurred to obtain federal security clearances. The first reading of the bill (SB296) proposed a requirement for “the Governor of Maryland to make a $6,000,000 appropriation in FY2014 and
Security Clearance Reform Emphasizes Cutting Costs and Reciprocity
Security clearance reciprocity, adjudication timeliness and leveraging technology to increase efficiency were all topics addressed at this week’s Security Clearance Reform hearing on Capitol Hill. Senator Daniel Akaka, Chairman of the Senate’s subcommittee on oversight of government management and the federal workforce, questioned a panel of government leaders on the