Posts Tagged

clearance process

Security Clearance Process

One of the items included in the 2016 omnibus appropriations bill is the Enhanced Personnel Security Program. Why is this significant? Because it will direct agencies to screen social media sites twice within every 5 years as a part of the continuous evaluation process. The Office of the Director of

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Background Investigations

Could it be true? For years I have argued to anyone who would listen, that OPM should not have been given responsibility for national security background investigations. As a security professional in various roles over a number of years, I have seen how the government has allowed human resources managers

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Background Investigations

60 Minutes aired a special report on November 8th that revealed the details of their special investigation into how the likes of Snowden, Alexis, and Manning were all able to pass the background investigation process and be granted security clearances.  The report revealed data sources and information that clearly brought

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Background Investigations

Last Fall the big news in the background investigation arena was the downfall of USIS and their investigators jumping ship to either CACI or KeyPoint Government Solutions. Since then very little ink has been spilled regarding how the transition went, whether CACI and KGS are doing a better job, or

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