clearance process
Don’t Listen to Bad Advice on Clearance Applications
Security clearance applicants should beware of heeding advice that contradicts answering truthfully and providing full disclosure on the SF-86. Ultimately, it is you who will have to answer the mail when it comes out during the course of the investigation process. A defense contractor found this out the hard way
Clearance Process Reform Status and Current Metrics
During the bi-annual National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee (NISPPAC) meeting held last month James Onusko, Deputy Assistant Director for the NBIB, provided attendees from various government agencies and private industry with an update on the efforts to reduce the clearance investigation backlog. Onusko stated reform efforts were underway
How NOT to Mitigate Financial Issues in a Security Clearance Case
In a previous post “Financial Issues Still the Biggest Reason for a Clearance Denial” I explained what the adjudicative guidelines stated regarding concerns about financial issues and ways for applicants to provide mitigation. Yet, it still seems almost every day we get comments or questions on the site from applicants
Clearance Granted to Applicant Who Failed to Disclose Military Service and Drug Use
In one of the more unusual security clearance denial appeals I have run across, a DOE applicant successfully pled his case in front of the judge after explaining the circumstances of why he failed to list his military service in the Army from 1978-1984. He also had to explain why