Posts Tagged

clearance process

Background InvestigationsSecurity Clearance Process

You were hired on for that dream job, flew through the background investigation process (well, maybe not really, but one can hope), and were granted a security clearance. What should you do now? I always recommend you request a copy of your own closed background investigation to keep for future

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It has been a while since I have focused on the adjudicator’s role in the security clearance process, but a recent Department of Justice report of investigation caught my eye, specifically because it detailed the failure of senior Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) managers to follow the recommendations of personnel security adjudicators in suspending

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Security Clearance Process

For a long while now security clearance reform proponents  have talked about using continuous evaluation processes in lieu of 5 or 10 year reinvestigations to find and weed out those clearance holders who might be less than worthy of having access to classified information. The Defense Security Service (DSS) recently

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Security Clearance Process

The proposed Fiscal Year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act passed by the House and currently pending Senate approval contains a few sections pertaining to improving and expediting the process by security clearance processes. The House Armed Services Committee (ASC) noted that while some progress has been made by the National

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