clearance process
The Story of the Clearance Holder, the KGB, and Havana Syndrome
In one of the more unusual Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) cases I have seen in quite a while, this defense contractor had held a security clearance since 2008 until it was revoked in 2021 due to concerns about the state of his mental health after he had
DEA Drug Use Policy for Potential Applicants
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is responsible for enforcing compliance with the Controlled Substances Act, thus, their threshold for tolerance of illegal or experimental drug use for job applicants is much lower than other federal agencies, and this includes the use of marijuana or THC products. Currently, the DEA timeline
Clearance Applicant Denied Due to Being Involved in Sex Trafficking
It is one thing to solicit prostitutes for sex in a place where it is legal to do so. It is quite another to assist in bringing them into the country for the purpose of working as a prostitute. That is exactly what one defense contractor got caught doing by
Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals Adapts to Post-COVID Processes
At the recent National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee (NISPPAC) meeting the Defense Office of Hearing an Appeals (DOHA) representative provided some interesting information about how DOHA was operating pre-COVID versus how it has adapted post-COVID. Prior to the pandemic, applicants who wanted an in-person hearing had to travel to the hearing