clearance process
Having a Security Clearance vs. Being Eligible for a Security Clearance
What is the difference between having a security clearance versus being found eligible for a security clearance? This question has confounded many applicants after they have endured the long and arduous national security background investigation process and were told it was favorably adjudicated. Many who thought they were cleared found
Dual Citizenship Clearance Holders to get Foreign Passports Back
The Defense Security Service (DSS) is preparing to issue a new Industrial Security Letter (ISL) providing guidance for the implementation of Security Executive Agent (SecEA) Directive 4 (SEAD 4), “National Security Adjudicative Guidelines, signed last year by the Director of National Intelligence. Specifically, guidance is being provided regarding Guideline C:
Drug Use and a Department of Energy Security Clearance
As we all know, illegal drug use is one of the disqualifiers for being granted a security clearance, but it can be mitigated depending on several factors. Here is a tale of two drug users who applied for a security clearance with the Department of Energy. Case #1: This applicant
What Are Your Chances of Winning a Security Clearance Appeal? Not Good in 2018
The Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals has started 2018 off with a bang in hearing twenty-four appeal cases, of which twenty-two clearance denial decisions were upheld, one denial decision reversed to clearance granted, and one case remanded back to the original adjudicator for a procedural review. As has historically