security clearance policy
New Training Requirements Prior to Accessing Classified Information
The long road that known as the security clearance process is almost at the end. You have overcome all of the hurdles involved, from getting an interview and being hired into a national security position to undergoing a background investigation and finally being deemed worthy of handling the nation’s secrets.
Getting a Secret Service Security Clearance
The majority of security clearances are processed by the Department of Defense. But security clearances are also issued by agencies including the Department of Homeland Security, Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of Justice, and Intelligence Community. Applicants with these agencies often find the policies may be different than within the Department
Youth, Illegal Drug Use, Security Clearances and Time
We were all young once, and to varying degrees, quite foolish. Time has since passed since we sat around the campfire smoking marijuana, responsibilities have been added, and now we are adults with jobs. Unfortunately, the passage of time does not completely erase the errors of the past, but it can,
OPM Security Clearance Investigation Quality Is Questioned
Professionals from the security clearance industry and Pentagon insiders both agree that when the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) took over responsibility for processing background investigations, the quality of investigations suffered because priority was placed on speed and efficiency in getting the investigations completed. This is the latest topic of