Guidance from ODNI Needed for Use of Digital Information in Clearance Process
You may be a bit confused with the acronym-laden title of this post, and that is perfectly understandable. Unless you are a security professional it all seems like Greek. Simply put, the subject matter of this article is why guidance is needed from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Using Artificial Intelligence to Help Clear the Investigation Backlog
With all of the process changes regarding background investigations implemented by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and the Defense Security Service (DSS), one would think the backlog numbers would start shrinking. Yet based on the recent report from the National Background Investigation Bureau
ODNI Implements Interim Measures to Reduce Investigation Backlog
In June the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) jointly issued a memorandum implementing interim measures to help reduce the investigation backlog for DoD. This memorandum instructs the Defense Security Service (DSS) to defer submission of Tier 3 (T3R) and Tier
Mental Wellness is Key to Mitigating Psychological Issues
There is much discussion on the forum about whether or not counseling or taking medication for a mental illness would prevent you from obtaining or holding a security clearance. Myths continue to permeate and cause those needing help to hesitate in seeking it out for fear of losing their eligibility.