How to Verify Background Investigators are Legit
The number of background investigators working on National Background Investigation Bureau (NBIB) cases has tripled over the last few years in an effort to whittle down the massive backlog of cases. As well, the number of companies providing contractor investigative services went from two to four. While this is good
Latest NBIB Investigation Backlog Numbers
The National Background Investigations Bureau released their first report in response to Public Law 115-173 (also known as the SECRET Act of 2018) and the numbers are staggering. Here is a quick look as of July 2018: DoD Employees and Contractors 282,489 initial national security investigations (84,289 for Top Secret
Written Inquiries Sent Out for a Background Investigation
The Office of Personnel Management’s National Background Investigation Bureau (NBIB) conducts background investigations for low risk non-sensitive, public trust, and national security positions for both civil servants and contractors working on behalf of the government. Some of the items on the Tier 1 through Tier 3 investigations may require completion
Progress Made in Security Clearance Reform Measures
The Security Clearance, Suitability, and Credentialing Performance Accountability Council (PAC) recently released an update on progress for security clearance and background investigation reforms and the status on future measures already in the works. The presentation outlined the PAC’s major goals: Developing a Trusted Workforce; Modernizing Policies and Processes; Securing and