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Background Investigations

The General Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report on the cost of “Background Investigations” (GAO-12-197) conducted by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).  The first sentence of the report declared: OPM’s reported costs to conduct background investigations increased by almost 79 percent, from about $602 million in fiscal year

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Security Clearance Jobs

At a military hearing of Pfc. Bradley Manning, accused of leaking thousands of classified documents to the website Wikileaks, a major issue being presented by the defense team is whether Manning should have had access to sensitive information in the first place. Described by his defense team as a troubled

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Background Investigations

In an OPM rule finalized this week, agencies will have to reinvestigate employees in public trust positions every five years. The rule was initially proposed in December of 2009 but has taken two years to implement. In the review, some criticized the need for or effectiveness of the periodic investigations

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Security Clearance Denial

Writing a book criticizing the way your organization does its job and writing a critical blog post linking to a classified document on Wikileaks may seem like a good idea, but it has proven a good way to get your security clearance suspended for Peter Van Buren. Van Buren, a State

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