Inside a Career as a Security Clearance Adjudicator
Adjudicating security clearances isn’t an easy job. It requires personal integrity, and offers a variety of challenges. A contributor recently outlined the some of the requirements of the job, offering a glimpse into the other side of the security clearance investigation process. Below is an excerpt from the article. Read
Are All Security Clearances Equal?
Security clearances as Shakespeare – Is a security clearance by another agency as sweet? Security clearance reciprocity is a question that comes up frequently at Many professionals assume that if they have been cleared by one agency, their security clearance will readily transfer to another agency. This isn’t the
Security Clearance Background Investigations: Blame the People or the Process?
Congress has followed through on their promise to bring increased scrutiny and oversight to the security clearance investigation process. In the wake of Edward Snowden’s leak of classified information about the NSA’s PRISM program (and his subsequent ‘Where’s Waldo’ escapades in the Moscow airport), congressional leaders are asking more questions
Digital Privacy Advocates and Security Clearances
In an era of Wikileaks and open data advocates, is it time to revamp the Standard Form-86 security clearance questionnaire?