illegal drug involvement
Former Confidential Informant Loses Security Clearance Appeal
A recent Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) case involved a former confidential informant (CI) who was caught selling marijuana at his college and subsequently got roped into becoming an informant by a Special Agent from an unknown agency. The DoD declined to grant him clearance eligibility based on
DEA Drug Use Policy for Potential Applicants
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is responsible for enforcing compliance with the Controlled Substances Act, thus, their threshold for tolerance of illegal or experimental drug use for job applicants is much lower than other federal agencies, and this includes the use of marijuana or THC products. Currently, the DEA timeline
Weapons Cache and Experimental Marijuana Grow-House Found in Clearance Applicant’s Home
This particular Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) case was certainly an interesting read just because of the audacity of the applicant in thinking he could keep a security clearance in the first place. The Department of Defense initially granted him eligibility in 2018. In May 2021 he completed
The Confusion Among Younger People About Drug Use and Government Policies teamed up with the Intelligence and National Security Foundation (INSF) to analyze why there is so much confusion among the younger population about drug use, specifically marijuana, and current government policies. Last month, they released a white paper, “(Uncleared) and Confused: Drug Use Confusion Trips Up Young People” that revealed 1