Posts Tagged

financial issues

Security Clearance Denial

Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 3 establishes reporting requirements for all security clearance holders. Among the various categories of reporting is a section called financial anomalies. Clearance holders are required to report bankruptcies, wage garnishments, debts that are more than 120 days past due (no matter the amount), and unusual

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Obtaining Security Clearance

For some, life events happen, they get down on their luck, and they eventually fall into the hole financially. Adjudicators and appeals judges are fully aware of this and take these factors into consideration when determining whether to grant clearance eligibility. You don’t need to pay all of the debt

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Background Investigations

As many on this site have said for security clearance applicants, it is better to tell all then try to hide stuff and hope no one finds out. Many times, the information you are trying to hide can be mitigated, but the fact that you lied about it can’t. That

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Security Clearance Denial

Based on historical Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) cases, it would be a good bet that one of the first cases for this year involved financial issues. The DoD Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) issued this applicant a Statement of Reasons (SOR) regarding her $212,000 in delinquent student loans

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