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Obtaining Security Clearance

Most of the case examples highlighted on this site are clearance denials upheld by the Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA). Here is a good example of a case where the applicant had issues concerning recent cocaine and then lying about it, but was able to mitigate the issues and be

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Security Clearance Denial

Time and time again I run across background investigation applications where the applicant listed criminal charges that are contradicted by the FBI criminal history check or police report. This is a serious mistake! It seems, either consciously or unconsciously, applicants try to downplay the seriousness of the reason(s) for the

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Security Clearance Denial

I have noticed a common thread among many of the case summaries written by Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) judges when explaining the board’s rationale for upholding the initial denial or revocation of an applicant’s eligibility for a security clearance. Before I get to that, here is a

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Security Clearance Denial

Security clearance applicants should beware of heeding advice that contradicts answering truthfully and providing full disclosure on the SF-86. Ultimately, it is you who will have to answer the mail when it comes out during the course of the investigation process. A defense contractor found this out the hard way

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