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Security Clearance Denial

Every once in a while, I run across an appeals case that makes me shake my head and wonder why on earth they tried applying for a job that required a security clearance. This particular one takes the cake. The applicant was initially denied clearance eligibility by the DoD based

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Security Clearance Denial

Getting fired from a job is not necessarily a bad thing when it comes to getting a security clearance. There are many reasons for getting fired from employment. It could be because of performance, not meeting quotas, personality conflicts, or even just downsizing. These are things that do not factor

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Obtaining Security Clearance

This Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) from a few months ago case caught my eye due to the extensive criminal history of the applicant and how he thought he would be eligible for a security clearance. Considering his background, he was initially denied eligibility by the DoD based

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Security Clearance Denial

It would be safe to say that most, if not all, government workers know that using drugs is not copasetic or in line with the Drug-Free Federal Workplace policy. This applies to all tiers of investigations, not just security clearance applicants. When I find Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals

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