Domestic Violence, Debt Easy Path to Security Clearance Denial
In a previous post, “Online Dating Sites, Sextortion, and Your Clearance”, I covered the pitfalls and potential for blackmail for clearance holders while using online dating sites. In a similar scenario, a recent Department of Energy contractor lost his security clearance when a woman for whom he was providing financial assistance
Giving a Massage Results in Clearance Revocation
You probably are wondering about the strange title to this post and how the heck giving someone a massage could result in being denied a security clearance; I assure you I did not make it up! In one of the more unusual Department of Energy appeal cases, this particular denial
Sexual Addiction Results in DOE Clearance Denial
A contractor employee working for the Department of Energy had his security clearance suspended because he was caught viewing pornography at work on his government computer. After an administrative inquiry was conducted by the local security office, it was determined that the employee had been viewing sexually explicit material at
Clearance Granted to Applicant Who Failed to Disclose Military Service and Drug Use
In one of the more unusual security clearance denial appeals I have run across, a DOE applicant successfully pled his case in front of the judge after explaining the circumstances of why he failed to list his military service in the Army from 1978-1984. He also had to explain why