Posts Tagged

defense contractors

Career Advice

The DoD and the Intelligence Community seem to be suffering an uptick in the number cleared employees or contractors who are at the center of news stories about leaking classified information, falsifying documents, providing false statements, and generally engaging in unethical behavior. A few weeks ago we heard about the former

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Security Clearance Denial

I have noticed a common thread among many of the case summaries written by Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) judges when explaining the board’s rationale for upholding the initial denial or revocation of an applicant’s eligibility for a security clearance. Before I get to that, here is a

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Security Clearance Denial

In a previous post “Financial Issues Still the Biggest Reason for a Clearance Denial” I explained what the adjudicative guidelines stated regarding concerns about financial issues and ways for applicants to provide mitigation. Yet, it still seems almost every day we get comments or questions on the site from applicants

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Security Clearance Denial

It may be surprising to a lot of people in the United States that Israel is listed by the U.S. Department of State as a designated country and has export control and ITAR restrictions and sanctions are in place due to concerns about missile technology theft and other issues. Isn’t Israel

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