Posts Tagged

criminal conduct

Obtaining Security Clearance

The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Hearing and Appeals upheld the security clearance denial for a contractor based on financial issues, and criminal conduct. After reading the details on the applicant’s appeal presentation in the hearing, it is not surprising – here is a summary of the case: In

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Obtaining Security Clearance

Domestic violence incidents are usually result in uncontrolled emotional responses caused by irritation or aggravation with the behavior of a partner. Situations can escalate quickly and turn physical. In the security clearance world this type of behavior is a concern under Guideline E: Personal Conduct and Guideline J: Criminal Conduct. There are

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Security Clearance Denial

There are two topics during background investigation processing that cause the most problems for applicants: failure to disclose criminal history and how you left a previous employment. The Standard Form 85, 85-P or 86 (used for all investigation levels also require submission of the OF-306 (Declaration for Federal Employment). There

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Obtaining Security Clearance

As we all know, divorces have the potential to get messy. Property and monetary compensation are motivation for one or both parties to resort to emotional manipulation and false accusations in order to gain leverage in negotiations. Maintaining eligibility for a security clearance could also be at risk if the

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