criminal conduct
History of Drunk Driving Leads to Security Clearance Denial
Having been in the military myself, I know it takes quite a bit to get kicked out for misconduct. Commanders give their troops every available option to rehabilitate behavioral issues before resorting to discharge proceedings. A DoD contractor security clearance applicant, also former marine, was denied eligibility for a clearance
Exception to Bond Amendment Not Granted – Clearance Eligibility Denied
The Bond Amendment states that an agency may refuse to grant or renew a security clearance for an individual who “has been convicted in any court of the United States of a crime, was sentenced to imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year, and was incarcerated as a result of
Public Intoxication on Airplane Results in Clearance Denial
In May 2020, a Department of Energy (DOE) contractor had her security clearance suspended after the latest alcohol related incident involving public intoxication (PI) on an airplane in 2019. Additionally, the contractor intentionally provided false information to the psychologist concerning her alcohol consumption. The Local Security Office (LSO) further alleged
A Motorcycle, a Ring, and Anger Issues Doom Clearance Eligibility
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Hearing and Appeals upheld the security clearance denial for a contractor based on financial issues, and criminal conduct. After reading the details on the applicant’s appeal presentation in the hearing, it is not surprising – here is a summary of the case: In