criminal conduct
Deferred Sentence vs. Conviction
There was a lively and informative conversation on a recent ClearanceJobs Blog posting when a security clearance applicant asked for advice on whether they needed to report a domestic violence arrest where the judge deferred sentencing as part of a plea agreement by the defendant. Let’s take a look at what deferred
Time Alone does not Mitigate a Long History of Criminal Conduct
The adjudicative guidelines use mitigating factors in making security clearance determinations. One of those factors is the amount of time elapsed since the conduct occurred. In rare instances even administrative judges get it wrong in applying mitigating factors, which is exactly what happened in a security clearance appeal last month. The Defense
Soliciting for Sex with a Minor Not a Good Idea
It is never a good idea to intentionally solicit sex with someone who you know to be a minor. And even if you don’t realize they are minors at first, once you become aware of it you should cease and desist all communications. A recent Defense Office of Hearing and
Falsifying Resume’ Results in Clearance Denial
Trust but verify is an advisable motto for companies who are looking to hire highly qualified candidates who can also get a security clearance. Doing a little bit of fact checking up front will save headaches later on because in today’s day and age, it is easy for job applicants