background investigation
The Moonlighting, Leaking, Lying Security Professionals
The DoD and the Intelligence Community seem to be suffering an uptick in the number cleared employees or contractors who are at the center of news stories about leaking classified information, falsifying documents, providing false statements, and generally engaging in unethical behavior. A few weeks ago we heard about the former
DoD Rolls Out “Lines of Effort” to Reduce Investigation Backlog
During a recent Defense Security Service webinar DoD policy experts acknowledged the National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB) has made little or no progress to clear the current background investigation backlog inherited from OPM’s Federal Investigative Services. New approaches called “Lines of Effort (LoE)” are in the works. Here is a
Don’t Listen to Bad Advice on Clearance Applications
Security clearance applicants should beware of heeding advice that contradicts answering truthfully and providing full disclosure on the SF-86. Ultimately, it is you who will have to answer the mail when it comes out during the course of the investigation process. A defense contractor found this out the hard way
Clearance Process Reform Status and Current Metrics
During the bi-annual National Industrial Security Program Policy Advisory Committee (NISPPAC) meeting held last month James Onusko, Deputy Assistant Director for the NBIB, provided attendees from various government agencies and private industry with an update on the efforts to reduce the clearance investigation backlog. Onusko stated reform efforts were underway