background investigation
Security Clearance Process is Back on GAO’s “High Risk List”
Back in 2005 the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) put the government-wide security clearance process on its “High Risk” list of federal areas in need of a desperate overhaul. It stayed on the list until 2011. Last week the GAO, foregoing the wait on its regularly scheduled update in early
DoD CAF by the Numbers
Many posts on this forum have commented on how long the adjudication phase of the background investigation process is and that no reliable benchmark information is available on timelines. It can be frustrating I know, but here are a few things to consider. The Department of Defense Consolidated Adjudication Facility
The SECRET Act of 2017
Another bill is making its way through Congress and is aimed getting the security clearance process fixed. California Senator Stephen Knight proposed the bill last July and it was passed by the House that same month. H.R. 3210, also known as the Securely Expediting Clearances Through Reporting Transparency (SECRET) Act of
The Security Clearance Applicant Loses in the DSS vs. NBIB Debate
The congressional push for a return to the “old days” when the Defense Security Service conducted all of the background investigations for the DoD prompted various news outlets (Federal News Radio, FedSmith, Government Executive) to weigh in. Even the Office of Personnel Management (parent of NBIB), which remained out of