Posts Tagged

background investigation

Background Investigations

It isn’t just federal employees or contractors in the Pacific Northwest who are being instructed to telecommute. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has also urged agencies to ensure that federal employees are prepared to telework, and earlier this month it issued new preliminary guidance on how this should be

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Background Investigations

The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) issued Federal Investigations Notice (FIN) 20-01 announcing the release of the revised Standard Form 85P used for Public Trust background investigations. The new form will ask applicants to provide more information in areas like foreign travel, criminal records and arrests, and credit history. Up to

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Security Clearance Process

The Security Clearance, Suitability, and Credentialing Performance Accountability Council (PAC) for the President’s Management Agenda rolled out accomplishments for the 1st quarter of FY 2020 regarding security clearance and background investigation processing and reduction of the backlog. Below is a summary of the progress for specific milestones: The Defense Counterintelligence

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Security Clearance Denial

There are two topics during background investigation processing that cause the most problems for applicants: failure to disclose criminal history and how you left a previous employment. The Standard Form 85, 85-P or 86 (used for all investigation levels also require submission of the OF-306 (Declaration for Federal Employment). There

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