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Obtaining Security Clearance

If you ask around the common perception seems to be that getting a security clearance costs sponsoring companies or agencies a lot of money – this is a case of perception not meshing with reality, however. The cost of investigations is published, with the average cost for OPM investigations at

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Background Investigations

The Washington Times is reporting that investigators have falsified hundreds of top secret security clearance investigations, claiming to have conducted research that never took place. Court records showed 170 falsified interviews and more than 1,000 that could not be verified. Individuals quoted in the Washington Times story report that the

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Obtaining Security Clearance

It seems BRAC (the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure) is impacting just about everything these days – and security clearance adjudication hasn’t escaped the hit. At the heart of the matter is personnel – with 10 Department of Defense Central Adjudication Facilities moving to a joint location at Fort Meade,

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