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Background Investigations

60 Minutes aired a special report on November 8th that revealed the details of their special investigation into how the likes of Snowden, Alexis, and Manning were all able to pass the background investigation process and be granted security clearances.  The report revealed data sources and information that clearly brought

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Background Investigations

The case of the marijuana use of a contractor who was working in a public trust position and subsequently applied for a security clearance.

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Background Investigations

During the last 5 years have you been fired from a job for any reason, did you quit after being told you would be fired, or did you leave a job by mutual agreement due to specific problems?

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Obtaining Security Clearance

In a not so frequent ruling by the Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals, the board overturned a favorable security clearance eligibility decision by the judge that had heard the initial appeal. The main issues in this particular case fall under Guideline E (Personal Conduct), Guideline G (Alcohol Consumption), Guideline

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