Why You Should Tell the Truth About Why You Left a Job
Over and over again I run across background investigation applications (SF-85P and SF86) where the applicant fudges on listing the real reason that they left a job. The SF-86 asks “in the last 7 years have you been fired, quit after you were told you would be fired, left by
A Decades-Long History of Lies: A Case Study for Clearance and Public Trust Applicants
I ran across this Office of Inspector General case regarding a Department of Interior employee who was able to lie and cajole his way into getting appointed to multiple positions with the DoD and other Federal agencies over the course of 21 years. His positions included stints with: U.S. Army;
Living With Illegal Alien Results in Clearance Denial
In a recent Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals case a longtime government contractor had his clearance reinstatement request denied because he was living with his Mexican-born girlfriend who was in the U.S. illegally. I know you are asking yourself right now “what’s the big deal here?” There is a
Top Issues in 2016 for Security Clearance Denials
Through the end of November this year the Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) Board held 1,142 hearings for appeals on adverse security clearance determinations, eligibility for placement into public trust position or a Common Access Card denial. For comparison, I included last year’s numbers (through November 2015) in