Mental Wellness is Key to Mitigating Psychological Issues
There is much discussion on the forum about whether or not counseling or taking medication for a mental illness would prevent you from obtaining or holding a security clearance. Myths continue to permeate and cause those needing help to hesitate in seeking it out for fear of losing their eligibility.
Mid-Year Statistics on Reasons for Security Clearance Denial Appeals
We are at the mid-year point and so far the Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) Board heard 979 clearance denial appeals. Below is a breakdown by adjudicative category of the types of issues involved (Note – many cases had multiple issues): Adjudicative Guideline YTD Guideline A: Allegiance to
Progress Made in Security Clearance Reform Measures
The Security Clearance, Suitability, and Credentialing Performance Accountability Council (PAC) recently released an update on progress for security clearance and background investigation reforms and the status on future measures already in the works. The presentation outlined the PAC’s major goals: Developing a Trusted Workforce; Modernizing Policies and Processes; Securing and
Affair with Chinese National Leads to Clearance Denial
As most of us clearance holders know, there are certain behaviors and situations to stay clear of lest we find ourselves called on the carpet and have our access eligibility yanked. Yet, despite getting an initial briefing and an annual refresher, some still play Russian Roulette and hope they aren’t