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Security Clearance Denial

Everybody knows the saying “the truth is easier to remember than keeping up with the lies you told.” This concept escaped a DoD contractor who lost her clearance and subsequent appeal. Amazingly, she was also a Navy Reserve Intelligence Officer who had held a clearance since 1986. Here is how

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Security Clearance Denial

In the contractor industrial security world Facility Security Officers (FSO) are the primary interface between the U.S. Government and companies that are given access to classified information. As such, an FSO’s integrity and trustworthiness should be above reproach – and when faced with ethical dilemmas, they should act first and

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Security Clearance Denial

I ran across a recent Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Hearings and Appeals case that made me scratch my head and ask “What the heck was she thinking?’ This one involved a DOE contractor who was completing a master’s degree program related to her job that was paid for

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Security Clearance Process

As another part of the shift from decades old practices of reinvestigating security clearance holders every 5 or 10 years, the DoD will focus on beefing up IT systems and resources that will continuously scour open-source data for information that may indicate problems. New applicants still have to go through

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