Be Proactive in Mitigating Financial Concerns during These Trying Times
Three months ago no one could have imagined the situation the world finds itself in now. Many were looking forward to spring break, others were getting ready to file taxes, and life was normal on the local restaurant and bar scene. Now, most of the country is homebound, millions are
How Suicidal Thoughts and Depression Can Affect Clearance Eligibility
Under the National Security Adjudicative Guidelines (SEAD-4) Guideline I: Psychological Conditions it states certain emotional, mental, and personality conditions that can impair judgment, stability, reliability or trustworthiness are a concern. The Adjudicative Desk Reference goes into further details regarding specific types of mental or personality disorders, why they are concerning,
Ignorance of Laws or Rules is No Excuse
In the national security world, ignorance or mistake of law is generally not an excuse for failing to abide by legal obligations. This opinion has been established long ago by appeals board judges in upholding security clearance denials. There are various adjudicative guidelines where claiming ignorance of the rules or
DOHA Judge Gets Clearance Denial Case Remanded for Inserting Personal Opinions
Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) judges are supposed to review facts presented in security clearance appeal cases and use the adjudicative guidelines to determine if national security concerns were mitigated or not. Impartiality and putting aside personal views and biases are necessary traits in order for judges to