Future Use of Social Media in Continuous Vetting
Although Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) -5 already provides government agencies the authority to collect open-source social media data, most agencies have shied away from doing it for a couple of reasons. First, they do not have the manpower and expertise to pull and review the data, and second, they
Using Prescription Drugs Without a Prescription has Consequences
Oxycodone, when prescribed by a physician, is a legal means of dealing with or managing pain. It is also highly addictive, which is why physicians are very careful in how much and how long they prescribe its use. So, what happens when the prescription runs out and someone has become
Fraudulent Insurance Claim Sinks Clearance Applicant
I recently came across a rather unusual security clearance appeal case involving an applicant who had filed a false insurance claim on his wife’s lost ring. Here is a summary of the Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals (DOHA) case: In 2017 the applicant bought his wife a $2,000 ring
A DOHA Appeal Involving Rarely Used Allegiance Guideline
The national security adjudicative guideline for allegiance is rarely used in security clearance denials, in fact, I have only come across it used less than a handful of times over the years. Now, one has popped up in a Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals case for a defense contractor. The contractor