Side Job as Prostitute Results in Clearance Denial

Security clearance holders have an obligation to report all employment outside the scope of the company who sponsored their clearance. This is to ensure there are no conflicts of interest between the activity and companies or government agencies, as well as to identify concerns with foreign interests or other illegal activities. Well, one defense company contractor ran into some trouble when it was discovered she ran a business offering conversation, warmth, massage, and dance, capped off by a special event to customers willing to pay her for her time. Her services were advertised on a dating and escort website that came to the attention of the FBI because the same sites were also used for sex trafficking. Evidence was gathered and witnesses (soldiers) who paid for her services provided statements affirming they paid her for sex. She was arrested and charged with prostitution and operating a business without a license. Not surprisingly, she failed to report the arrest to her Facility Security Officer.
Ultimately, her clearance was revoked and in her appeal to the Defense Office of Hearing and Appeals she denied engaging in prostitution, citing the fact that all charges were eventually dropped. As we have noted many times on this site, there need not be a criminal conviction to reasonably conclude the conduct occurred. The DOHA judge in this case was of the opinion there was plenty of evidence, including the contractor’s own statements, to conclude the facts presented in the initial denial were accurate. The judge had an easy decision to make, considering the contractor was unwilling to admit she engaged in the activities – clearance eligibility denied!
I found this case interesting. I wonder how the judge would have decided had she been willing to admit to the charges and how her attitude during the hearing may have worked against her.