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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Process

The Department of Defense (DoD) recently released an updated version of the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) that lines up with the previously released Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD) 3 regarding reportable activities and reporting requirements for contractors who hold a security clearance. The Center for Development of Security Excellence developed

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Security Clearance Denial

The Bond Amendment states that an agency may refuse to grant or renew a security clearance for an individual who “has been convicted in any court of the United States of a crime, was sentenced to imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year, and was incarcerated as a result of

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Security Clearance Process

It would not be a stretch of the imagination to think a security clearance applicant with six DUIs, illegal drug use, a violation of a…
9 replies
AdjudicationSecurity Clearance DenialSecurity Clearance Process

Most of the articles I post have dealt with Department of Defense (DoD) security clearance matters and case studies. That is mainly because other than…
3 replies
Security Clearance Denial

With all of the talk about border security and undocumented illegal immigrants I found a recent Department of Energy appeals case apropos’ to the discussion.…