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Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Denial

It is safe to assume that all security clearances holders know they aren’t supposed to use their government computers for personal business, especially if that business entails selling counterfeit goods. Well, it seems a former Department of State (DoS) employee didn’t get the memo. Just last week the Department of Justice sentenced

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The Department of Defense (DOD) Central Adjudication Facility (CAF) published its first annual report since becoming a part of the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA). The report outlines achievements and new initiatives in background investigation processing and adjudication. Here are a few highlights: –          Implemented multiple Lean Six Sigma efforts

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Past Security Clearance Posts


The number of background investigations with psychological or mental health issues continue to rise and DoD personnel security adjudicators are having to collaborate with mental…
cannabis leaves
Obtaining Security Clearance

Many on this forum have described their own personal history of illegal drug use and then ask for an opinion on how long they have…
Security Clearance Denial

The Department of Energy (DOE) Personnel Security Program has a reputation as one of the better ones across the Federal government. Background investigators actually prefer working DOE…