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Security Clearance news


A research study conducted by the RAND Corporation takes a look at how adjudicative criteria for evaluating the trustworthiness of security clearance applicants has changed from the “baby boomer’ generation to today’s “Generation Z”. The report breaks down trends and risk factors common to all generations and shows how the

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Security Clearance Denial

All security clearance holders receive an initial security briefing that covers the does and don’t as far as what behaviors and personal conduct could jeopardize their eligibility. Basically, this is anything that could be used to extort or blackmail someone to gain information, obtain money, or exert influence. A recent

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Past Security Clearance Posts

Obtaining Security Clearance

Many of our warfighters return from hostile-fire zones all over the world, elect to leave the service, and then end up returning to the same…

Much ado is made about credit reports and how they are used in background investigations. Many misnomers are being perpetuated out there, so here is…
Security Clearance Denial

There are many behaviors and disqualifying conduct under Guideline E: Personal Conduct that cover a multitude of areas which do not fit under other adjudicative…