ClearanceJobs Blog where you can read and discuss government security clearance process, sf86, how to get a security clearance job and background investigations issues. Please read our getting started section before posting.

Security Clearance news

Security Clearance Process

Those not working in or having experience in the industrial security world may find the acronyms and specific meaning of words a bit confusing as they apply to classified contracts, security clearances, and the handling and protection of classified material. As an example; an FSO must ensure all employees have

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Background Investigations

There are different types of federal background investigations and matching adjudicative criteria used to make favorable or unfavorable determinations. Depending on the purpose and level of the investigation, adjudicators are trained to apply the correct adjudicative criteria to each case. Here are the different types of adjudicative determinations: National Security

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Past Security Clearance Posts

AdjudicationSecurity Clearance DenialSecurity Clearance Process

When reading through case summaries and Report of Investigations (ROI), I always look for what a security clearance applicant’s motivation was for committing a crime,…
Security Clearance Process

Many on this blog site have written about the challenges in getting security clearance information transferred and accepted by the gaining agency under reciprocity guidelines.…
Security Clearance Denial

Many security clearance applicants mistakenly believe that entering into a pretrial intervention (PTI) program with the court in order to get charges dismissed exonerates them…